Jul 7, 2017

We’ve all been out on the road with a less-than-patient driver. Perhaps we’ve even been those drivers before. When you’re fighting your way through rush hour traffic, it can get a bit intense out on the road. So if you find yourself out on the road with someone who is driving a wee bit aggressively, here are some steps you can take to stay safe on the road.


First and foremost, it’s good to be able to identify when you have happened upon an aggressive driver in their natural habitat. You can identify an aggressive driver by observing behavior: -Any driver that is weaving aggressively throughout the lanes, even during heavy traffic -Any driver that is tailgating, despite having plenty of room to pass the vehicle in front -Any driver that honks at or openly taunts other drivers that are going the speed limit -Any driver that doesn’t signal intent to switch lanes, which causes another driver to brake suddenly. These are your aggressive drivers. They can be wild cards on the road so proceed with caution.


Here are a few tips to avoid aggressive driving and stay safe:

  • Do NOT engage with “road ragers” If another driver cuts you off, don’t respond by tailgating. This can enrage other drivers and escalate the situation.

  • Don’t make eye contact or any gestures to the driver.

  • Try to stay out of an aggressive driver’s way.

  • In extreme cases, report the driver. If the driver is causing near-accidents or putting others in danger, it is important that they are stopped.

  • Continue to drive safely by using appropriate turn signals, obeying the speed limit, and switching lanes with caution.


Keep your distance, friends. While you may also be tempted to get flustered and react to the aggressive driver, keep your cool. Nothing good can come from letting them get your goat. Anger can be infectious, so by keeping cool, you are nipping that right in the butt. A calm driver is a safe driver.


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